A Brief History
The original power and light system was developed in 1914 and purchased by the City of Plummer in 1916. The system expanded to Tekoa, Washington in 1920 to allow for the purchase of power from Washington Water Power Company.
Plummer PowerThe City of Plummer owns and operates an electric distribution system comprising approximately 50 miles of line serving about 860 customers. The service area extends beyond city limits to Heyburn State Park, Sorrento, Lovell Valley Road to Tilma, and other rural areas in close proximity to Plummer. Power is currently purchased for resale from Bonneville Power Administration. The City maintained a line crew until 1999. GIS Map of City Owned Power Poles A Brief HistoryThe original power and light system was developed in 1914 and purchased by the City of Plummer in 1916. The system expanded to Tekoa, Washington in 1920 to allow for the purchase of power from Washington Water Power Company.